Can You Get Herpes From A Massage Table?


Despite the common link between various sexually transmitted infections, such as genital herpes, it is still poorly understood and is considered a highly feared disease. According to the CDC, about one in six Americans has the type 2 strain of the virus.

The incurable and contagious form of the virus known as herpes lingers for a lifetime. This makes it an incredibly frightening illness for people who have it and those who do not.

The standard form of the sexually transmitted disease known as the herpes simplex virus is one of the five strains of the virus family. It can cause various ailments, such as chickenpox and shingles.

Type 1 is usually associated with cold sores in the mouth, while type 2 is more commonly spread to the thighs, sacrum, and genitalia. Although these two strains are known to overlap, they are not related.

What Is a Herpes Disease?

The term “herpes” comes from the Greek root herein, which literally means serpent. It is a description of a family of viruses that can never be entirely eradicated. Although they can be inactive, viral infections can still recur at any time. Some viruses that cause these infections are the Epstein-Barr virus, the varicella virus, and the cytomegalovirus. These infections can occur when the body’s immune system is overtaxed or sluggish.

Although the term “herpes simplex” is often used interchangeably with the terms “type I” and “type II,” the former is more commonly associated with oral lesions and fever blisters. In contrast, the latter is associated with genital lesions.

Examining genital and oral lesions shows that the two types of viruses have similar crossover characteristics. However, since they have the same treatment options, the significance of this distinction is not significant.

The exact number of people infected with herpes simplex varies. For instance, about 60 percent of sexually active individuals are infected with the virus, while around 80 percent of oral herpes cases are reported. In the US, approximately 30 million virus cases occur each year.

What are the symptoms or other signs of the people who have this disease?

The usual presentation of herpes simplex is pain or tingling in the affected tissue within a few days before an outbreak. Then, a cluster of blister-like structures appears on the surface.

The first indication of the disease is the appearance of blisters, which then turn into a scar. The blisters then start to form scabs a week or two later. Once the disease has begun to disseminate, it usually lasts around two to three weeks.

After initial infection, the virus can usually be dormant in the nerves. It can only recur after a stressor has occurred. The initial infection might be triggered by a simple cold or environmental exposure.

Maintaining a healthy immune system is often the goal of managing sexually transmitted diseases (HSV). This can help minimize the stress that can be caused by an outbreak.

Can a Massage Table Cause Getting a Herpes?

We all know that there is a risk that the virus that causes skin damage can travel into our bodies. However, we have no idea what to ask for when it comes to avoiding getting hypersensitive skin.

Besides being trained in universal precautions, massage therapists are also highly trained in the pathology involved in their work. For instance, if a massage therapist gets infected with herpes, they would immediately cancel their appointments.

Although it is always an excellent contention to ask your massage therapist to wear gloves while working with you, especially if you are using a massage table. Also, If you are allergic to latex, make sure that the gloves used by the therapist are made from non-latex materials. You can also hire a therapist trained in specific modalities, and they would not have to remove your clothes.

Facts About Herpes

In the US, many people get infected with a sexually transmitted disease known as herpes. This incurable condition can cause painful genital sores. Bodyworkers are also prone to get infected.

Being able to talk about and learn about various facts about sexually transmitted diseases can help decrease the transmission fears of patients and their therapists. Here are some of these facts that are very useful for the purpose.

  • Although it is improbable for an infected person to contract the virus without visible lesions, it can still be transmitted. The three phases of the disease are: prodromic, active, and dormant. During the prodromic phase, the person may feel a tingling or pain in their genitals before an outbreak begins. During the active phase, the person may have actual genital lesions or blisters, and as they recover from an outbreak, these skin cells can shed off their healing properties.
  • Although the virus can shed its surface, it is unlikely to transmit to another person during a remission period. The only course to catch it is through skin-to-skin contact. This means that regular hand washing is a must.
  • The only cure for genital herpes is not available. The virus can remain in the body for a long time after a flare-up. It can hide in the spinal cord’s dorsal root ganglia, where it waits for a trigger, such as stress or illness. Natural and conventional medicines can help prevent an outbreak, but they can’t completely remove the virus from the body.

Read alsoHow To Clean A Massage Table? – 5 Easy Steps

Key Takeaways

Before you receive a message, make sure that you are aware of the therapist’s credentials. Most licensed massage therapists in the US have their credentials posted on their websites. Also, they will be happy to tell you their certification or licensing requirements. There are varying requirements in the country; of course, we would typically avoid hiring someone with no training.

The body’s natural defense against sexually transmitted infections kicks in when one gets infected with the virus, and it can live for days or even weeks on contaminated surfaces.

Although it’s unlikely that the virus will spread through objects such as massage linens or toilet seats, it can still remain dormant outside the body, allowing it to transmit other sexually transmitted infections. Whether the virus can live for a long time outside the body is debated. According to some sources, the virus can die quickly once exposed to air.

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